Education Verification

Most commonly used by higher educational institutes like universities and colleges and Companies searching for employees, Education Verification is a crucial procedure that inspects the accuracy of the educational qualifications submitted by job aspirants and students, while maintaining their privacy. For companies, conducting authorized education verification is really important because hiring an ignoble candidate who has the mentality to forger his/her educational qualification is a threat to the existence of the company. Moreover, appointing unqualified employees in the key position affects the day to day operations of the company and ruins your reputation.

On the other hand, it’s the core responsibility of educational institutes to verify the academic details of the students before offering them the seats. To carry out a legal, democratic, and unbiased enrollment, input from reliable education verification is necessary. At Millow, we have a professional team that leverages our deep network and connections to inspect the facts behind the educational certificates issued by universities all over the world.