
Different Types of Background Checks Employers Should Perform

The primary means for employers to obtain information about potential candidates from sources other than the applicants themselves are background checks and reference checks. A background check determines whether a person is unsuitable for a job because of a criminal record, traffic violations, poor credit, or misrepresentation of education or employment history. Generally, a reference check involves contacting an applicant’s previous employers, colleagues, peers, and instructors to verify past employment and obtain details about the person’s experience, qualifications, skills, and character.

Background Verification Process

A background check is a method by which a person or company ensures that everyone is who they say they are. Background checks can be used to check a person’s criminal record, schooling, employment history, and other past activities to make sure they are accurate. You may be required to undergo a background check when you apply for a job.

A background check is a method of confirming the validity of a person’s or company’s employment background, business records, financial records, criminal records, and other activities. The digitization of many public documents in India, such as voter IDs, driver’s licenses, PAN cards, academic certificates, police records, and court records, has made it easier to scan establishments quickly. With so much information available online, some free and some for a fee, there is a fine line between what can be verified and what cannot. For both the employer and the employee, this can be confusing.

What Type of Background Check Do Most Employers Use?

There are many types of background checks that are used in various cases. We’ve compiled a list of 11 of the most popular forms of background checks and what each one entails to help you better understand each one, including:

#1 Criminal History Check
When you hear the word “background check,” the first thing that comes to mind is a criminal background check. In cases where a person or agency wants to know about an applicant’s past criminal activity, a criminal background check is required. A criminal background check is often conducted to determine if an applicant poses a threat to consumers or creates an unhealthy work atmosphere. A criminal background check usually requires the following searches:

  1. Crime databases on a broad scale
  2. The justice courts of the county
  3. Criminal backgrounds from both the federal and state levels
  4. Registries with sex offenders
  5. Terror watch lists exist both in the United States and around the world

It’s important to remember that various states use different types of criminal background checks, such as a name-based search of job records or a national fingerprint-based check. It’s important to understand what your state’s laws allow employers to do.

#2 Verification of Previous Jobs
Confirming an applicant’s previous work experience is one of the most important background checks employers can conduct. Employers and recruiters can use an employment verification to look back at an applicant’s past work history, which can shed light on their career stability, honesty, and loyalty to a company. It can also raise doubts about gaps in job history and the reasons for limited tenure. Verification of previous jobs is usually confirmed:

  1. Dates of work start and finish
  2. Salary for titles held
  3. Job responsibilities or job description
  4. The reason for your termination or departure from the company

It’s important to double-check that what a candidate claims to be their work history is, in fact, their work history. Before making a work offer, this form of background check will thoroughly vet any applicant.

#3 Verification of Education
While an undergraduate degree is not the same as a graduate degree, an education verification is the only way hiring managers can accurately assess an applicant’s education on their resume. Academic verification is primarily used to confirm or deny an applicant’s stated education level and educational background on an application. Employers verify this with an educational background check.

#4 Reference Check
Obtaining references from job applicants is a standard procedure for employers. These reference checks help you get a feel for how a potential employee would fit into the company. It also gives hiring managers the opportunity to ask about previous results and verify anything the candidate said during the interview or in the application.

Employers should ask open-ended questions when checking references to make the interview as fun as possible. This will ensure that you get more than just yes/no answers and that you get as much knowledge as possible from the reference.

#5 Drug Testing
Regular drug and alcohol testing is required in certain areas, such as road traffic or aviation. These tests are used to determine whether or not a person’s body contains alcohol or illegal substances. These tests ensure that current or prospective employees are in good mental health, are not impaired, and can be trusted to work. These types of checks usually require some advance planning and can only be done with permission. These drug tests are often conducted as a five or 10 panel urinalysis, hair test, and breath alcohol test.

#6 Check the Sexual Offender Registry
Companies should allow potential employees to conduct a search of the sex offender registry. Such a check would eliminate the possibility of hiring someone with a history of sex offenses. A thorough background check is required when filling positions involving children, higher education, education, or day care centers. Such a background check on candidates helps an organization minimize the risk of sexual assault or abuse in the workplace. Failure to do so can lead to allegations of negligent hiring and litigation.

What are the different levels of background checks?

Since there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all background check, various types of background checks are available depending on the search needs.

Level 1
A background check by name that includes only one jurisdiction is called a level 1 background check. This is usually the individual’s place of residence. It also requires a review of employment records. Tier 1 is a mandatory search that uses a less stringent screening method.

Level 2
A Level 2 background check usually involves a state or national judicial review and is used to rule out criminal activity. Such checks are conducted on potential employees who hold positions of authority or trust.

Level 3
The most popular form of background check is Level 3 background check. Criminal records, schooling, past employment, and reference checks are all part of this process. If desired, pre-employment drug test results can be included in Level 3 background check reports. The goal is to hire the right person to ensure they will not cause any foreseeable problems in the workplace until they order a Level 3 background check.

Level 4
Remember the term ‘executive’ from the level 4 background check. When recruiting executives or promoting them within the company, these types of background checks are essential. Level 4 checks, which include a federal criminal search, a national bankruptcy search, and a media search, are identical to Level 3 checks.


To avoid taking unnecessary risks, all employers should conduct background checks on new or prospective employees. Various background checks for new employees are a thorough and easy way to screen potential employees, and they provide you with a wealth of detail in a matter of minutes.

Also, if you are an employer and want the services of a reputed, transparent, and technology-first employee background verification company, give us a shout!
Email: info@millow.io
Contact: 63957 44710

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